Example photos of the image effects option for the Raspberry Pi Camera using Raspistill. Also available in PiCamera python library.
Raspistill, Raspiyuv and Raspivid are the programs used to control the Raspberry Pi Camera module. These programs are used to take photo's and video but also can be used to apply some effects to the image before they are saved. This page shows examples of what the image effects options do. Alternatly you can take photos with these effect using the Python PiCamera library.
All photos were taken within a couple minutes, lit by sunlight and saved using the default Jpeg compression.
The Raspistill command to apply the effect and save the image as effectimage.jpg in the current directory:
raspistill -ifx effect-name -o ./effectimage.jpg , so if you wanted a cartoon mpde photo you would use;
raspistill -ifx cartoon -o ./cartoon.jpg
Effects Available: none, negative, solarise, sketch, denoise, emboss, oilpaint, hatch, gpen, pastel, watercolour, film, blur, saturation, colourswap, washedout, posterise, colourpoint, colourbalance, cartoon
A default image with no effects applied - none
Effect - blur
Effect - cartoon
Effect - colourbalance
Effect - colourpoint
Effect - colourswap
Effect - denoise
Effect - emboss
Effect - film
Effect - gpen
Effect - hatch
Effect - negative
Effect - oilpaint
Effect - pastel
Effect - posterise
Effect - saturation
Effect - solarised
Effect - sketch
Effect - washedout
Effect - watercolour